Private Jabber Server

We now have an internal Jabber server located at, you can use this server to receive notifications, chat with other market users and in special circumstances contact support. Server to server connections are disabled so you won't be able to contact users on different jabber servers
Using the jabber server is optional, to activate your jabber user go to Account Settings.
For security reasons plaintext communication is forbidden and Omemo encryption is required, please use a Jabber client that supports Omemo like Gajim or Conversations.
Once your jabber user is activated, please use the following settings to connect:

  • Jabber username:
  • Jabber password: Password you set on your Account Settings page.
  • Depending on your Jabber client go to Advanced Connection settings and set port to 5222 and hostname / server to either:
    • Our main LDN onion: drughubb7lmqymhpq24wmhihloii3dlp3xlqhz356dqdvhmkv2ngf4id.onion
    • Your private onion, if you have one.
    • (CLEARNET, still protected by enforced end to end encryption)
    • By default your client may try to connect via clearnet so make sure you change host / server.
      When connecting via onions you may get a certificate error / host missmatch, this is normal.
To activate jabber notifications:
  • Go to your Account Settings and activate your jabber user.
  • Add [email protected] to your contact list.
  • Hit the "Send Test Message" button to make sure everything works fine.
  • Set Jabber Notifications to Active under Convenience Settings.